Health outcomes in the U.S.
Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the US over the last 75 years
To represent the differences in levels of cancer care across states
Interactive data visualization with RShiny package
Data source
Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention
National Cancer Institute
American Hospital Directory
68 Websites of Cancer Centers Designated by NCI
Data Manipulation
Use the number of beds of the hospital the cancer center affiliated to as the proxy of cancer center’s capacity
Data Genre
Annotated Chart
Visualization techniques
Reference lines specifying the mean in bar chart
Fixed format data replacement: presenting the three information (number of patients, number of beds, bed-patient ratio)
Filtering to see specific states
Highlight and Innovation
Use shade of color to show patient ratio/number of hospitals/ratio of patient-hospitals in different states in a US map
Reduced Scope
Include incidence rate instead of mortality rate of cancer patients in different states
Include number of beds in each cancer center but not number of treatments
Please feel free to let me know your thoughts about this study and I would be more than happy to chat with you :D